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成功故事 | Success Story
Successfully fought for the government to withdraw mandatory medical savings system
香港特區政府於2008年發表《掌握健康,掌握人生》諮詢文件,提出設立強制性醫療儲蓄制度 (強醫金), 107動力認為會令各階層人士生活百上加斤,但無助改善醫療服務,故此107動力透過社會行動、民意調查、一人一信等方法,最終迫令政府放棄推行強醫金。
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government issued the Consultation Document on Healthcare Reform in 2008, and proposed to establish a mandatory medical savings system. 107 Momentum believes that it will increase the burden on citizens' lives but it fail to improve medical services. 107 Momentum finally compelled the government to withdraw the implementation of mandatory medical savings system through social actions, polls and one person, one letter.
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