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慶祝香港蟬聯全球最自由經濟體晚宴 | Celebrating Hong Kong Crowned World’s Freest Economy Dinner

加拿大智庫菲沙研究所(Fraser Institute)於2022年發表的經濟自由排名顯示,香港以8.59分繼續排名榜首。適逢是107動力成立15周年,特以「慶祝香港蟬聯全球最自由經濟體」為周年晚宴的主題。


According to the 2022 Economic Freedom Ranking published by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank, Hong Kong continues to top the list with a score of 8.59. Coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the Momentum 107, the theme of the annual dinner is "Celebrating Hong Kong crowned world’s freest economy".

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